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 Webuzo 4.3.0 To 4.3.3 Launched In Stable (0 Replies, Read 20648 times)
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 235

The Webuzo Team has released version 4.3.0, 4.3.1, 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 which has some features, bugs and security fixes. We recommend that you update to this version ASAP.

Changelog for version 4.3.0 :

1) [Feature] Added the new feature to convert Addon domains to a new account (In Beta).

2) [Feature] Allowed IPs setting has been added for Admin Panel, which allow access to the Admin Panel only to the IPs specified by the Admin.

3) [Feature] Export DNS feature has been added to the Admin and Enduser Panel.

4) [Feature] Added the option to export a task logs for further sharing.

5) [Feature] Added the Visitors wizard for the Enduser(s)

6) [Feature] A user suspended by the Admin could not be unsuspended by the reseller. Added the feature to prevent unsuspension if enabled by the Admin.

7) [Feature] MariaDB 10.4, 11.4 have been added.

8) [Feature] NodeJS 22 and 21 have been added.

9) [Feature] MSSQL has been added.

10) [Feature] Exim Auto Responder start and end date option has been added.

11) [Improvement] Admin Dashboard UI is updated and all icons and wizards are now listed in a category style.

12) [Task] Added Minio support for Backups.

13) [Task] We will now pass NODE_ENV variable to the node apps as per the setting saved

14) [Task] Admin Resolver configuration will now update only the Nameservers and not the entire resolv.conf

15) [Task] Added setting to redirect to hostname when IP is accessed directly.

16) [Task] Added pagination for Daily Process Logs

17) [Task] Added API for Update Quota of user

18) [Task] Filemanager has been updated to the latest version

19) [Task] We have separated our custom filter file in Exim to avoid conflict with users custom filter.

20) [Task] Exim certificate will now be issued for 2048 bytes.

21) [Task] Shifted MySQL functions to MySQL Common library to make it simpler to manage multiple apps of MySQL, MariaDB and Percona.

22) [Task] Nginx version 1.26.1 was launched.

23) [Task] NodeJS versions were updated.

24) [Bug-Fix] In the Admin Panel -> Webuzo Import Wizard, the root password would not work with special characters. This is fixed.

25) [Bug-Fix] In case of custom proxy setup by the admins, SSL certs would not be issued in some scenarios. This is fixed.

26) [Bug-Fix] Exim Stats was showing the wrong Spam statistics in certain cases. This is fixed.

27) [Bug-Fix] During conversion from cPanel to MySQL in case of MariaDB databases, the DB folder was not restored. This is fixed.

28) [Bug-Fix] In OpenLiteSpeed if only IPv6 was assigned to a domain, then the domain was not working. This is fixed.

29) [Bug-Fix] In PostgreSQL, CLI was not working for users created. This is fixed.

30) [Bug-Fix] MX entry for subdomain was not added correctly. This is fixed.

31) [Bug-Fix] Apps running on port with application manager was not killed when deleting user. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate(11-07-2024)
Launched in Stable : (01-08-2024)

Changelog for version 4.3.1 :

1) [Security-Fix]  This version contains some very important security fixes. Please update your Webuzo to this latest stable version ASAP. The detailed disclosure will be done at a later date once users have upgraded.

Launched in Release Candidate : (12-07-2024)
Launched in Stable : (01-08-2024)

Changelog for version 4.3.2 and 4.3.3 :

1) [Security-Fix]  This version contains some security fixes. We recommend that you update to this version ASAP. These security updates contain patches for security issues found by our 3rd party auditors. Webuzo is regularly audited by expert security researchers.

Launched in Release Candidate : (30-07-2024)
Launched in Stable : (01-08-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team

Edited by salman : August 1, 2024, 7:55 am
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