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 Installing AMPPS database and files on a separate external network drive (0 Replies, Read 2209 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I am trying to do something that I am worried may not be possible. I develop websites with WordPress locally on my machine. But it would be nice to be able to share this local version with my team members so they could help me with content etc as I am developing. So what we need is a way to share the files, AND the databases from our AMPPS installs.

I thought this might work similarly to sharing through dropbox (but was not happy with because Dropbox sucks at updating a 200MB InnoDB database.) where I can use symlinks for the var and www folders which we would store on our internal drives through the network.

This basically works, except for some reason MYSQL will not start. I see it adding stuff to the folder I symlinked. But it throws error 45 - [ERROR] InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1 error 45.

I have read this may have something to do with NFS but Im not really a server guy. Im more of a front end developer. Our internal drive is running on a mac server. (This server uses MAMP for an internal database) maybe this server needs to be restarted, or be told to disable file locking or something? Can anybody more seasoned with this kind of stuff help me?

What I really want to do is just install AMPPS and the files and DB to be simultaneously acceissble to multiple machines. help!
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 eastco   Installing AMPPS database and files on a separate external network drive (0 Replies, Read 2209 times)

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