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 Webuzo 3.5.8 Launched (0 Replies, Read 18368 times)
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 221

The Webuzo Team has released version 3.5.8 which includes features like NGINX Reverse Proxy wizard, ClamAV, Imunify360 integration, Re-order enduser categories and several other improvements and bug fixes :

1) [Feature] Added NGINX Reverse Proxy wizard

2) [Integration] Added ClamAV, an open-source antivirus engine for detecting trojans, viruses, malware & other malicious threats.

3) [Integration] Added Imunify360 support (in Beta)

4) [Feature] Added option in Webuzo admin panel to Re-order Enduser Categories

5) [Feature] In Dovecot, added update email quota cli utility

6) [Improvement] Added option to Edit Favourites options on index page in Webuzo Admin / Reseller Panel

7) [Improvement] Added Webuzo Service checker will now check every second and recover the service if stopped

8) [Improvement] Added support to add an Reason (optional) while Suspending accounts

9) [Improvement] PTR record imports added in converter and importer

10) [Improvement] Disk Usage utility has been improved to show "Other Disk Usage" in the panel

11) [Improvement] AdvanceDNS will now allow value with "_" for CNAMEs

12) [Improvement] Changed default message_linelength_limit to 2048 in exim

13) [Improvement] On suspension due to bandwidth overage, the reason will be shown in the Admin Panel

14) [Improvement] Password changing for Email Client via Roundcube has been added

15) [Improvement] Added apache2_pre_vh_write filter

16) [Improvement] WebDisk utility improved

17) [Bug-Fix] In-place cPanel Converter will now detect the Netmask of IPs while adding them to Webuzo

18) [Bug-Fix] In cPanel Importer the database import would fail for dbs or db users having the letters "on". This is fixed.

19) [Bug-Fix] The Reseller sub accounts would also be suspended if the main reseller account bandwidth limit was crossed. This is fixed.

20) [Bug-Fix] Trace in process manager used to fail at times. This is fixed.

21) [Bug-Fix] apps.json used to be renamed to a random file name to preserve the data when apps.json loading would fail. Instead of renaming, Webuzo will now recover the file first.

22) [Bug-Fix] Sub domains added in Webuzo of a Wildcard domain was not working in Apache. This is fixed.

23) [Bug-Fix] Comodo Rules Updates for ModSecurity was causing Apache to crash at times. This is fixed.

24) [Bug-Fix] Dovecot email quota calculation failed for all users when an email account folder had issues. This is fixed.

25) [Bug-Fix] mysqlcheck socket path has been updated

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team
IP: --   

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