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 Loginizer 1.8.9 Launched (3 Replies, Read 4783 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 62
This is a minor release which comes with some structural changes:-

The changes are listed below:-

[Task] Structural Changes.

[Task] Tested with WordPress 6.6

The Loginizer team is working constantly to improve our product and if you have any feedback or suggestions you can write to us at sales@loginizer.com

Loginizer Team
IP: --   

Loginizer 1.8.9 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
It looks like this release of the Pro plugin now requires the installation of the free plugin as well?

This is a bit of a step backwards, to have to add a second plugin as a dependency and then manage both the Pro and free versions.

Life is so much simpler to just have a complete Pro plugin that does everything that Loginizer is built to do, like Pro version 1.8.8 was able to accomplish.

Please bring back a complete Pro version that doesn't require the separate free version as a dependency.
IP: --   

Loginizer 1.8.9 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
If it helps, there are a few problems here:

1. Human error at Softaculous

Part of the problem is that in the past when the Pro version required the free version as a dependency, the team would sometimes release a new free version but forget to test the Pro version against the new release, and this would break the Pro version.

2. Security problems related to version incompatibility issues during plugin updates

When people update the plugins, let's say that there's a 1.10.0 free version and a 1.10.0 pro version. And if these new versions are not backwards-compatible with version 1.9.0, what happens is that if you update the free version and then the pro version, there's a window during which Loginizer will malfunction and stop working due to the incompatibility between pro and free while the different versions are briefly out of sync.

This creates a security issue, for the brief time while Loginizer is malfunctioning in this scenario.

Developers can mitigate this risk if they have a testing setup and atomic deployments, but otherwise this is a real security problem. Especially for any customers who use WordPress's automatic updates feature, which is even enforced by some popular WordPress hosting providers.

3. Added risk for customers, potential support problems for Softaculous

Adding one extra step that customers need to do -- maintaining two plugins that are supposed to accomplish one thing -- introduces a new source of potential failure, beyond what's listed above.

Please bundle the free plugin code back into the Pro version so that customers have one less plugin to maintain, and one less thing that can go wrong and cause support issues.

Thank you for considering it.
IP: --   

Loginizer 1.8.9 Launched
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 62
Hello chainalysis,

Thank you for pointing out your concerns and the issues people could face with this new structures.
The reason we went for this separation was that we are working on making Loginizer Premium a part of Softaculous Pro and this separation was required for that, we believe that this will bring a lot of value to users of Loginizer.
But we will look into the points you have mentioned, evaluate them and work on a solution.

Loginizer Team
IP: --   

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