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 Introducing SiteSEO: WordPress SEO plugin (0 Replies, Read 23578 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 62
We are happy to announce that we have launched SiteSEO a WordPress SEO plugin, to help you optimize your WordPress sites to gain organic traffic.

The first release contains features like:-

1. Sitemap wizard, which builds a sitemap of your website with the option of Image Sitemaps and HTML sitemaps.

2. Content Analysis, based on the content of the page, which gives improvement feedback to improve the on-page SEO.

3. Options to integrate Analytics tools like, Google Analytics, Matomo, Clarity, Google Optimizer and an option to add custom trackers.

4. Instant Indexing to search engines like Google and Bing.

5. Integration with popular page builders like Elementor, Gutenberg and more.

6. Seamlessly import data from other leading SEO plugins, allowing you to effortlessly transfer all your post information to SiteSEO and simplify the transition process.

For more information on the plugin you can read our release post https://siteseo.io/blog/siteseo-launched-on-wordpress/

SiteSEO is live on the WordPress directory you can try Try SiteSEO Now

SiteSEO Team
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