OpenVZ7 Virtualizor Backups <![CDATA[OpenVZ7 Virtualizor Backups]]>
Sir for openvz 7 backups are not yet implemented as the KVM VM uses file base storage.

We will implement it soon.]]>
Mon, 12 Mar 2018 07:45:51 GMT
<![CDATA[OpenVZ7 Virtualizor Backups]]>
1) should read: I CAN'T see any options in the user panel for backup.]]>
Sun, 11 Mar 2018 14:39:11 GMT
Two problems I'm having:

1) I can see any options for backup in the end user portal when managing a VPS.

2) When I manually run a backup either in the list backup plan area, or the command line script vpsbackup-plan.php (or whatever) it does the "backup" super fast, says it was successful, but didn't work.  No logs I could find in /var/log relating to the "backup" and in the configured local backup folder all that happened was that it created a folder with today's date.

Am I missing something?  It would be nice to have backups, glad I just don't trust the output from Virtualizor saying they were successful...]]>
Sun, 11 Mar 2018 06:28:22 GMT