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 PHP script management MySql, PHP script for front-end management of MySql tables by specific users with specific credentials. (2 Replies, Read 2362 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
I'm looking for a PHP script that will allow me to easily manage 'MySql' tables. By managing I mean not their creation (which I will rely on 'phpMyAdmin') but the possibility of adding new records, modifying and deleting them.
It must be possible to specify for each user which tables he will have access to and with which modalities (insertion only, modification only, etc.).
For each user I will also have to specify whether he will be able to see all or some of the columns in the table and with which permissions.
Also I'll need to know who did what, a sort of global change LOG.

My idea was to have a back-end in which I specified the users and how to access the various tables/columns and a front-end for the users.

In the front-end users will be able to add/modify/delete records and data they are allowed and the ability to filter and/or sort the various records.
Basically something very similar to "Form tools" but that can connect to fields of my MySql database as I already have web pages that use these fields (whereas "Form tools" only works on new fields).
I tried to see among the various Softaculous products but there are very too many and I can't pass them all.
Does anyone know if there is something like this?

I know I could use a framework like 'Symfony', 'CodeIgniter', etc. or rely on CMS like 'Joomla' but I have to write a lot of code by hand and it seems hardly credible that such a product is not already available.
I need all this because I have php pages that read data from MySql tables and I need some users to be able to upload data or modify certain fields. Keeping everything under control to figure out who did what.
IP: --   

 zio3d   PHP script management MySql, PHP script for front-end management of MySql tables by specific users with specific credentials. (2 Replies, Read 2362 times)
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, At the...   on December 27, 2022, 12:21 pm
    |--  zio3d   Hi, At the...   on January 12, 2023, 4:13 pm

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