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 Joomla install SQL not working, Sofaculous not picking up username/pass (2 Replies, Read 10202 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 10
Good news is that your advice worked. We have our own variation of Joomla install that we use and just zipping that up along with a SQL dump (replacing the db prefix with yours of course) worked great.

What isn't working is when we click the create button from WHMCS, the admin name and password from the custom fields we created per the WIKI aren't being inserted.  The username admin/pass is being inserted instead.

Any ideas?

This is a show-stopper bug for us.

INSERT INTO `[[dbprefix]]users` VALUES
('1002', '[[admin_realname]]', '[[admin_username]]', '[[admin_email]]', '[[admin_pass]]', 'Administrator', '0', '0', '24', '[[regtime]]', '[[regtime]]', '', 'admin_language=\nlanguage=\neditor=\nhelpsite=\ntimezone=-5\n\n');
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 webjive   Joomla install SQL not working, Sofaculous not picking up username/pass (2 Replies, Read 10202 times)
    |--  webjive   Found the problem!...   on October 30, 2010, 3:56 pm
    |--  alons   Hi, WHMCS returns...   on October 31, 2010, 11:42 am

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