Quote UseCanonicalName Off
VirtualDocumentRoot {$path}/www/%0
DirectoryIndex start.xhtml index.html
<Directory "{$path}/www/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Whenever I have set up multiple websites on a single server this is (approximately) ALL of the config that I have ever needed. I am trying to adopt this in AMPPS, but I am not fully understanding the apparently over complicated setup that AMPS uses.
Virtualhost names are placed into /etc/hosts as www.myserver.com for local development or left to dns for using in a deployed scenario.
Each host has a directory under {$path}/www/, e.g. www/www.myserver.com/... which under my scheme would work, but does not appear to work at all with the original AMPPS set up out of the box.
Can you help me understand why AMPPS doesn't use this much simpler approach out of the box?