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 pH7Builder ( pH7CMS ) question, Installation (6 Replies, Read 6039 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 5
Hi, people.

I already downloaded the pH7Builder-17.2.0 file zip but after opening the folder I have no idea how to open it in Windows 10.

Now I'm trying to install the pH7Builder ( pH7CMS ) from softaculous.com/apps/socialnetworking/pH7Builder but the page is asking me for my File Transfer Protocol (FTP) username and password, FTP path and backup path, but I dont have neither.

No idea what to do.

I went to the ph7builder.com/doc/en/install site and it tells me that "1. Extract the pH7CMS archive - Extract the Zip archive using a file archiver software such as 7-Zip; that I already did; and

2. Upload files to your server - Using an FTP client such as FileZilla or cPanel File Manager. You must transfer ALL files and folders (even license files and empty folders and files); but I dont understand it.
Do I have to have first a paid host server to upload all those files that I cannot open?
Why I can not better open ( how can I do this in Windows 10? ) the files in my pc and from there prepare/install my future website?

I am confused, please somebody help me

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 paco4   pH7Builder ( pH7CMS ) question, Installation (6 Replies, Read 6039 times)
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