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 Remote Direct Connections to MySQL database, I need to enable remote access to the MySQL database and nothing is working (0 Replies, Read 1609 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Ok Hopefully someone can tell me if this is possible.

I am trying to enable remote access to a MySQL database through an ODBC connection (using Microsoft Access as a front end).

My port 3306 is forwarded to the machine hosting the database,

the firewall is configured to allow traffic,

the user has been created in MySQL with privileges granted to that database with % as the host,

I also created a user with the same name on local host because I read that that can sometimes be a problem.

But still when I try to use the connector from a remote machine I get the error that that IP cannot connect to the MySQL database. 

I even added another user with that particular IP as the host and still the same answer. 

I get the same answer if I try to telnet from the remote computer using that port.

the skip-networking is commented out in the my.ini file. 

I use the website canyouseeme to check the port and it says it is not being blocked. 

Please tell me what I am not seeing! Are direct connections just not allowed?
IP: --   

 corvus   Remote Direct Connections to MySQL database, I need to enable remote access to the MySQL database and nothing is working (0 Replies, Read 1609 times)

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