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 MySQL Error No 1146 - Table 'adminusername_78.wp_options' doesn't exist (1 Replies, Read 55738 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I have to do some major work on a website. Prior to doing that, I cloned it. There was an error:

The following errors were found :
+ Could not make the query numbered : 0
+ MySQL Error No : 1146
+ MySQL Error : Table 'adminusername_78.wp_options' doesn't exist

When I looked at the Softaculous installations, I found that there are two websites listed with the same URL: one with WordPress version 6.2.2 with an install date of 2021.04.13 (the real website) and another one with WordPress version 5.7.9 with an install date of 2023.10.09 @ 16:02 (the time when I tried to do the cloning).

What should I do?

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MySQL Error No 1146 - Table 'adminusername_78.wp_options' doesn't exist
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5727

Sorry for the delay in response.

You can remove the incorrect installation record from Softaculous using the "Remove from Softaculous" option in Dropdown or by referring to the following guide :

If you still face the issue while cloning please go to the Edit Installation page in Softaculous for your source installation and make sure that the Database credentials match with the wp-config.php file of your WordPress installation :

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