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 Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!, My conklusjon by many different speculations and tests, att Ubuntu is not the right choice if you want to run Webuzo (34 Replies, Read 72632 times)
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Posts: 75
Well, if something idea of writing something in this forum, is rather doubtful. I've written three forum threads so far, but never got any response. but I try one last time.

I installed a brand new installation of Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS and updated ubuntu.
So I installed Webuzo based on their info: http://www.webuzo.com/wiki/Install

The installation went without error messages or anything that would indicate the att there was something wrong.

After installation was obtained information about and go to this address: http://myip:2004/

I started Firefox in Ubuntu and wrote in "http://  my ip address followed by :2004

Nothing come up!
My conklusjon after many different speculations and tests.

My conklusjon after several hours above Google search, is att this software is not compatible with Ubuntu 14.04.2lts. If it is so, why does it not based on the current description of Webuzo their sides?

Webuzo on Linux Ubuntu! No, not based on my experience, though no hidden explanations some places that I've ever seen! Well, in that case they should come with wealth in the Wiki.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Here its that i have in consol /Terminal:

"Welcome to Webuzo Installer
Installation Logs : tail -f /root/webuzo-install.log

1) Installing Libraries and Dependencies
2) Setting UP WEBUZO
3) Downloading and Installing Webuzo
4) Downloading System Apps

Installation Completed
Congratulations, Webuzo has been successfully installed

You can now configure Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :
http://my ip:2004/

Thank you for choosing Webuzo !

But nothing working as they sad!
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I agree also I try many times and after installing webuzo and restart my server  it wont work
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I am try the Centos 7 here now, so i coming back here soon and tell your how that went.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Have now try to install in Centos7 and have same problem.

result: Webuzo is not a Linux thing.  :squi:
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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You can use it with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I am currently using it on 14.04 LTS.
But as like you, I am also not happy with the support I receive either via Support ticket or via Forum. They took 4, 5 days to respond to a thread or ticket and if you will reply in return they will again take 2,3 days to reply.
You can say it will take around 1 month to solve a problem !
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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"You can use it with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I am currently using it on 14.04 LTS."

That is the special you do for have that up and go? I try 14.04.2 lts and have onely blank page after install !
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I do agree that the default installation has some problem. I had told this to them when I was interacting via support ticket. Even after you get that page http://myip:2004 running, you will have problem in accessing http://myip after adding new domain or subdomain

Open a support ticket and wait for 5 days to get a reply ! :P
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Yes, i give this linux upp, bad solution.  :neu:

Ampps and Webuso its not compitable vid linux. Use Windows or forget it. :xd:
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I have the exact Same Problem! Fresh Install of Ubuntu + Webuzo = restart = Everything Disappears! :( Opened Ticket even gave our server user and pass details to them. Still waiting. Sounds like i may have the same problem if i try on CentOS?

Come on guys help us!  :P

Quote From : tectec June 14, 2015, 11:34 am
I agree also I try many times and after installing webuzo and restart my server  it wont work
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I havent try ampps in Centos, så maybe iys o there! I dont now, but i shal try that to. tomorow.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Webuzo does work well on Ubuntu as well as CentOS.

You must have surely missed something.

Are you still facing the trouble ?

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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Have now install Webuzo in Centos7.

Copi the terminal result here:

"[root@test-PC my username]# ./install.sh


Welcome to Webuzo Installer


Installation Logs : tail -f /root/webuzo-install.log


1) Installing Libraries and Dependencies

2) Setting UP WEBUZO

3) Downloading and Installing Webuzo

4) Downloading System Apps


Installation Completed


Congratulations, Webuzo has been successfully installed

You can now configure Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :

http://my ip:2004/

Thank you for choosing Webuzo !

[root@test-PC my username]# "


"You can now configure Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :

http://my ip:2004/



No you can not, becouse its not working! Onely load and load to the blank page coming up, nothing in adress: http://my ip:2004/

Explain to me why this does not work!

For you say this is kompitabelt with Centos?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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And i hade same problem in the Ubuntu 14.04.2tls
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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>>  Explain to me why this does not work!

Seems it is getting redirected to the private internal IP.

Access it this way
http://my ip:2004/install.php

Let me know if you still face the issue.

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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Thank you, but same problem. The page onely load and load to the blank page!
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Quote From : sosialtnett June 17, 2015, 4:15 pm
Thank you, but same problem. The page onely load and load to the blank page!

Could you ssh to your server and confirm that the service is running on port 2004

Root > lsof -i :2004

Also restart webuzo service for once

Root > service webuzo restart

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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Sorry, to many problem, i use ampps in win7 insted that its ok.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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You see my server test here: http://sosialtnett.tk/index
that works very well. No point in making it difficult and problematic with Linux.
One can actually make it easy too.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Quote From : sosialtnett June 18, 2015, 7:40 am
You see my server test here: http://sosialtnett.tk/index
that works very well. No point in making it difficult and problematic with Linux.
One can actually make it easy too.

Let us know if in future you plan to change.  :xd:

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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Ok, thanks.

I try sett up debian perfekt server, so i most add more time on read stuff.
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I discovered a serious bug with APPS in windows. Oxwall does not show correct login info! so then I had to leave ampps. useless.

Attempting webuso on a fresh ubuntu 14.04.2lts installation again. Following describe at webuzo its pages, but can honestly say that webuzo is for me a mystery! If it is true that others have managed to get up "my ip 2004 after installation, this must be for them not in Sweden!

Strange that it's just me out here who have this problem, or has had this problem! For it is evident that there is someone who knows something about this problem!

Well, webuzo shown my last chances for and get published sosialtnett.se on its own web server. And it looks for case very bad. Have tried this now for three weeks. but nothing posetivt result so far.

I discovered a serious bug with APPS in windows. Oxwall does not show correct login info! so then I had to leave ampps. useless.

Attempting webuso on a fresh ubuntu 14.04.2lts installation again. Following describe at webuzo its pages, but can honestly say that webuzo is for me a mystery! If it is true that others have managed to get up "my ip 2004 after installation, this must be for them not in Sweden!

Strange that it's just me out here who have this problem, or has had this problem! For it is evident that there is someone who knows something about this problem!

Well, webuzo shown my last chances for and get published sosialtnett.se on its own web server. And it looks for case very bad. Have tried this now for three weeks. but nothing posetivt result so far.

But writing this anyhow, maybe some prior formulas later have the same problem and can tell what to do? So ubuntu is left on standby here in anticipation of a solution. Or is this regarded as impossible!  :squi:
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Sorry, dubbel post there
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Try Webuzo on Fresh Ubuntu 14.10 , I was able to get some OK Results
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Thank you for the tips, i chall try that tomorrow
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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No, same problem in Ubuntu 14.10.

Is Webuzo for special hardware! or particular countries? For I have never gone in each something so strange since I began using Linux for over 20 years ago.
I mean, antigen can install a program on an OS platform, or you can not! That is certainly what I'm familiar with. Well, waiting anxiously for the next tips here. The mystery continues.  :xd:   ;-D   :P
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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You may be doing something wrong?
Are you installing on VPS, VM or Bare Metal Hardware?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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On Ubuntu 14.04. I doing wrong?
Helo, Its this software ok for ubuntu, or not?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Yes It's OK With Ubuntu. I run it on Ubuntu 14.10 x64.. Under 2gb Ram VPS - KVM

What problem are you exactly having? Whats your VPS Setup like?

Quote From : sosialtnett June 21, 2015, 12:31 am
On Ubuntu 14.04. I doing wrong?
Helo, Its this software ok for ubuntu, or not?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I run Ubuntu 14.04.2 lts

Its the some more that they dont tel me?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I ran into some problems with Ubuntu 14.04 endup installing on 14.10 and worked fine. Again, It's VPS, Clean Install, External IP and all..

Quote From : sosialtnett June 23, 2015, 2:15 am

I run Ubuntu 14.04.2 lts

Its the some more that they dont tel me?
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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It you try and tell us who the developers tell us! is that Webuzo can not be installed on a Linux machine used at home, but on a VPS server that you are renting from others! Is that what you're trying to say?

And server!
Well, on the program pages it says is that they not have apache, php myqsol installed before install webuzo. So this with server gets a little puzzled in context! Time for some more foundation explanation perhaps. What is required to install Webuzo? And then I would like to hear the real requirements.  :xd:   :neu:
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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@socialtnett You can refer to this


Could you share some screenshots to help us assist you better and faster.
Raising a support ticket with the access to your server would make it much faster instead.

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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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I did exactly the same way in both Centos7 and Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
The only difference was that i downloaded the file via browser.
And everything went through without error messages. but configuration after installation would never open up. And I may well not provide information on a server "webuzo" which is not yet open / or excite because of this problem!

This with server thing you're talking about, what is it? Here there is a Ubuntu 14.04.2 desktop machine, and one Centos7 desktop machine,. Where does this server thing into the picture? As I see it there Webuzo conducive to a server, but here I'm not going Configuration page!

This is one good example
How to Install Webuzo in CentOS
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Is Ubuntu 14.04.2LTS + Webuzo = not true!
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Do I need a special type of computer, software or anything else for me to get Webuzo configuration side up?

Is there anything else I've misunderstood here?
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