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 how to deploy ASP.Net Core in Webuzo user panel, how to deploy ASP.Net Core in Webuzo user panel (1 Replies, Read 10278 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Dear All

I am new ini webuzo control panel.
I want to host Asp.net core apps using webuzo  end user panel.

I have follow from this tutorial


but i have trouble found this folder /usr/local/apps/dotnet/dotnet
and i cannot change port in Application manager.

dotnet folder only appear in webuzo admin panel.

Or there are completed tutorial to hosting asp.net core using nginx.

Thanks for you help

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how to deploy ASP.Net Core in Webuzo user panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 6

Sir, is the issue resolved or not?

>>I want to host Asp.net core apps using webuzo  end user panel.
I have follow from this tutorial
Did you install the DotNet application? If not, then install it and try.

>>i cannot change port in Application manager.
You cannot change the port in the application manager, but you can set the port range from Home > Settings > General > End-user application settings.

If you are still facing the issue, then you can open a support ticket with us at: https://softaculous.deskuss.com/open.php.

Let us know.
IP: --   

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