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 User UI (1 Replies, Read 10374 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
Hello, I have been playing with Virtualizor for several days.  Pretty stable after you get past the OHV Hurdles.  Would really help if you made a youtube video about partitioning and using the original Kernel instead of the OVH Kernel.  The hourly billing could put this software on top if you could have the end user UI something like Digital Ocean.  Are their any UI updates coming soon?  If not I will have to move onto something else.  The current User UI is a game stopper for me.

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 wiredcom   User UI (1 Replies, Read 10374 times)
    |--  chirag   Hi, Sir we...   on November 22, 2018, 7:53 am

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