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 Download speeds extremely slow (1 Replies, Read 21132 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I'm not sure how you are accessing the files needed for AMPPS when starting for the first time. But the download speeds are excruciating.
I have been downloading MySQL for the past 20 minutes already and we're only at 30%! It was about 20 minutes as well to download PHP 7.4 before this.
When I check the download speeds, we're getting like 20kbps ...
Are you self-hosting these files ? How can anyone expect to be productive with your software with speeds like this.
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Download speeds extremely slow
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

We do have mirrors in different locations. It looks like the mirror that was used to download the file for you was far away which could be causing the issue.

Can you please let us know your location so we can share the mirror list which will connect fast from your location.

We will make changes to auto detect fastest mirror and use the same to optimize download speeds.

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AMPPS - Best WordPress/PHP/MySQL development tool
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