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 Download speeds extremely slow (1 Replies, Read 21144 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I'm not sure how you are accessing the files needed for AMPPS when starting for the first time. But the download speeds are excruciating.
I have been downloading MySQL for the past 20 minutes already and we're only at 30%! It was about 20 minutes as well to download PHP 7.4 before this.
When I check the download speeds, we're getting like 20kbps ...
Are you self-hosting these files ? How can anyone expect to be productive with your software with speeds like this.
IP: --   

 lostpebble   Download speeds extremely slow (1 Replies, Read 21144 times)
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, Sorry for...   on January 18, 2023, 6:13 am

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