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 Ampps on Ubuntu (1 Replies, Read 15932 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 7
Yea basically Ampps is the bug

Ok let see;

1. As most Linux desktops do NOT support a system tray icon there is no way to configure Ampps. As a programmer, I must wonder how any programmer that actually knows what he is doing missed this MAJOR problem.

2. Lxde desktop does have a system tray (the only one I have found so far) and when you click Configuration->AMPPS if you check "Start on Session Startup" and apply, you get a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to it. Also, prior to myself manually changing ALL "{$path}" to "/usr/local/ampps/" in the config files, "Python Environment" had the same yellow triangle.


cd /usr/local/ampps
sudo ./Ampps

sudo /usr/local/ampps/Ampps

Are basically two different programs. The first runs in /usr/local/ampps/ and the second runs in /home/<username>/. Which results to a huge list of errors as it can't find, and thereby place, the config files in the /home/<username>/conf/ folder.

4. Every time I start Ampps I get this error, twice
QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
which apparently has been know for some time. I am hoping I can ignore it.

5. DO NOT install the KDE desktop as the Qt version on it will cause a conflict with the Ampps Qt version.

6. On ALL desktops if you minimize the Ampps Control center it disappears leaving no way to restart the server. Even if you attach it to the Unity launcher you are unable to reopen it.

7 No way to start Ampps other than via the terminal, which is a BIG oxymoron for an application that needs to run in a GUI environment.

8. If Apache and/or MySQL is installed separate from Ampps, you will never get Ampps to start. Maybe not a bug, but a big warning in the wiki is very important at the very minimum.

9. After installing (ie. execute Ampps-3.4-x86_64.run) you must ALSO run install.sh (in the main ampps folder) or you will not be able to get rid of the "Secure Ampps" page.

And as it has been 3 long days, in some kind of nightmare, I need sleep and can't
remember the rest of the bugs so I'll get back to you on the rest.

While I have Ampps running, barely, I can see why in my quest to get it working I found so many posts of people that had given up. Ever issue I ran into, I found several post about it, but always with no answers, and several that ended in the person ditching Ampps. And you can't blame them with this mess.
IP: --   

 Krik   Ampps on Ubuntu (1 Replies, Read 15932 times)
    |--  Krik   Can't edit OP...   on March 12, 2016, 5:44 am

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