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 apache doesn't work with php (1 Replies, Read 20353 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
I use a2 hosting with webuzo. I have installed lamp stack and drupal script from webuzo panel.  I modified apache configuration /usr/local/apps/apache2/etc/httpd.conf   
updated  DocumentRoot to my drupal site /home/myuser/public_html/drupal and add Alias /drupal/ /home/myuser/public_html/drupal. But apache doesn't execute index.php or any php files. Please help 
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apache doesn't work with php
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

PHP files are not executable when accessing via IP.

Please access your file via domain and it should work fine.

Webuzo - Multi User Hosting Control Panel
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