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 Webuzo 4.1.9 Launched (3 Replies, Read 14351 times)
Group: Webuzo Team
Post Group: Working Member
Posts: 221

The Webuzo Team has released version 4.1.9 which includes a new theme and language support and bug fixes.

1) [Feature] Added language support.

2) [Feature] Added new theme 2024 which will be made stable in next release. But you can still set the new theme as the default theme from the admin panel.

3) [Improvement] Upgrading Webuzo from UI will create task now.

4) [Improvement] Added sorting by resource usage on list users.

5) [Improvement] When creating OS templates with Webuzo Primary IP was not updated when deployed so added provision to reconfigure the Webuzo to update the correct IP. Create file "reconfigure" at /var/webuzo/reconfigure it will reconfigure panel on reboot.

6) [Improvement] Shell access for the user will be restored as per the backup.

7) [Improvement] Total disk usage will now also add the Database disk usage.

8) [Improvement] Showing Total database disk usage is improved.

9) [Improvement] Enduser applications Base URL are now clickable.

10) [Improvement] Added new file create option for PHP in File Manager.

11) [Improvement] Default PHP-FPM setting is now showing by default.

12) [Improvement] Added search filter in email queue manager.

13) [Improvement] Separated conf file for ipv6 and added support for Almalinux9 for Memcached.

14) [Improvement] SNMP start/stop was not correctly working. This is fixed.

15) [Improvement] Elasticsearch is now running as a service for all users.

16) [Improvement] PHP selector in Cloudlinux is now working.

17) [Improvement] In restore if current homdir is different than backup then domains will not be restored.

18) [Task] Added change root password wizard for Postgresql in admin panel.

19) [Task] Added ulimit setting for global PHP to start PHP with specified ulimit.

20) [Task] Launched Mariadb 11.2 and Mariadb 11.3.

21) [Task] Added log_selector setting in mail setting (exim).

22) [Task] Added Dotnet application support via application manager.

23) [Task] Added setting "Storage Calculation Base" for disk size calculation with 1024 or 1000(MB)

24) [Bug-Fix] Sometime links were stored in tasks output due to which clicking task was redirecting to the link instead of opening task logs. This is fixed.

25) [Bug-Fix] If any sub domain record already present then Sub domain record was not added in restore. This is fixed.

26) [Bug-Fix] In DA import Document root was not correctly updated for primary domain/subdomain. This is fixed.

27) [Bug-Fix] Editing the user with ipv6 was removing user assigned to ipv4. This is fixed.

28) [Bug-Fix] If assigned feature set or feature set in plan is not present all features was disabled to that user. now all features will be enabled. This is fixed.

29) [Bug-Fix] Changing plan name was not updating the assigned users plan. This is fixed.

30) [Bug-Fix] Search by domain was not working on View bandwidth usage. This is fixed.

31) [Bug-Fix] Adding Ondrive location was not working due to recent key change. This is fixed.

32) [Bug-Fix] Sometime restore backup with Gdrive location was failed due to flag added by Gdrive. This is fixed.

33) [Bug-Fix] Enduser DA import with backup file was not working. This is fixed.

34) [Bug-Fix] Phpmyadmin was not working with custom admin ports. This is fixed.

Launched in Release Candidate(05-03-2024)

Please stay tuned for more and if you have any suggestions, do let us know by emailing it to sales@webuzo.com

The Webuzo Team

Edited by salman : March 5, 2024, 2:30 pm
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Webuzo 4.1.9 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 32
Congratulations on the new launch!
I've been away for a long while.
I am presently trying out an IPv6 VPS hoping to find a Panel for it.  When I tried to subscribe to WEBUZO, my IP - IPv6 - came up as INVALID.  I thought WEBUZO said that it does allow IPv6, but doesn't appear that way when I tried to apply for WEBUZO.
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Webuzo 4.1.9 Launched
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

We don't have support for licensing for IPv6 currently and will try to accomplish this by April.

Webuzo - Multi User Hosting Control Panel
AMPPS - Best WordPress/PHP/MySQL development tool
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Webuzo 4.1.9 Launched
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 32
Thanks for letting me know @Brijesh.  Wow April.  That is very soon.
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