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You are here: Index > Softaculous Auto Installer > General Support > Topic : Problem installing Hubzilla

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 Problem installing Hubzilla (1 Replies, Read 2023 times)
Group: NOC
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
Trying to install Hubzilla on a domain, not a subdomain. In every instance the following error is returned and the installation is not completed:
Could not make the query numbered : 0
    MySQL Error No : 1146
    MySQL Error : Table 'username_hubz605.config' doesn't exist
    Could not make the query numbered : 0
    MySQL Error No : 1146
    MySQL Error : Table 'username_hubz605.config' doesn't exist
    Could not make the query numbered : 0
    MySQL Error No : 1146
    MySQL Error : Table 'username_hubz605.config' doesn't exist
    Could not make the query numbered : 0
    MySQL Error No : 1146
    MySQL Error : Table 'username_hubz605.config' doesn't exist
    Could not make the query numbered : 0
    MySQL Error No : 1146
    MySQL Error : Table 'username_hubz605.account' doesn't exist
    Installation Failed
Any idea what's causing this?
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Problem installing Hubzilla
Group: Softaculous Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 5701

Extremely Sorry for the delay in response.

Can you please open a support ticket with us so we can check this asap :

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