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You are here: Index > AMPPS > Bugs > Topic : Control center don't detect correct mysql instance

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 Control center don't detect correct mysql instance (0 Replies, Read 7899 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 4
1. OS Name with Version

Xubuntu 14.04 updated to latest LTS stack

2. AMPPS Version


3. Logs (Apache, MySQL)

4. Steps to reproduce the error

Install ubuntu and its mysql, install ampps. If you stop ampps mysqld but keep "system" mysqld on, control center detect it as runnig and you cannot change php version.

5. Expected Result

Being able to have a mysqlserver instance just for development.

6. Your modified apache, php or mysql conf files(if you have changed and can share with us)

mysql modified to use port 3366
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 enboig   Control center don't detect correct mysql instance (0 Replies, Read 7899 times)

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