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 Backuply 1.2.6 Launched (0 Replies, Read 12944 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 57
We have launched Backuply 1.2.6, it's a security update with some bug fixes.

Change logs are as follows:-

[Security-Fix] In some cases it was possible to fill up the logs and has been fixed. Reported by Villu Orav (WordFence)

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue while restoring which has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue uploading the backup file, in which in the name of the uploaded backup a _(underscore) was getting added due to a WordPress sanitization function which has been fixed.

We are constantly improving Backuply if you have any suggestions, issues or feedback, write to us at support@backuply.com

Backuply Team
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 vardana   Backuply 1.2.6 Launched (0 Replies, Read 12944 times)

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