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 Security - close all active session when admin change password (4 Replies, Read 12065 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
For security reason when admin change password in Webuzo all previous session must be closed!

Imagine password can be discovered by someone. If they are already in webuzo and we change password hacker already can do bad things.

Actually when admin change password other open session is not invalided. User see the message the password of webuzo has been changed and if press OK simply the system do the logout only in this session. This no have sense.

You can remove logout function when user press ok. What is the function to logout the admin after password change if all previous open session also from other PC still be valid?

Intact if you change admin password , don't click on ok in the confirmation windows message and click in the webuzo logo you will not be logged out because all old session from all other PC are still valid.

This should be fixed.. when admin change password also all other PC open instance must be closed.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
IP: --   

 peopleinside   Security - close all active session when admin change password (4 Replies, Read 12065 times)
    |--  valley   When you change...   on June 17, 2015, 2:29 pm
    |--  peopleinside   You are logged...   on June 17, 2015, 3:07 pm
    |--  valley   We shall reproduce...   on June 17, 2015, 3:15 pm
    |--  alons   Hi, We will...   on June 18, 2015, 6:49 am

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