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 Website baker - 22 languages (2 Replies, Read 2188 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 50
Here is another easy one. website baker includes 22 languages in its package.
Three settings only to change in the sql file:


-- for genertal settings:
-- Dumping data for table `[[dbprefix]]settings`
INSERT INTO `[[dbprefix]]settings` VALUES(10, 'default_language', 'EN');

-- for users default language
-- Table structure for table `[[dbprefix]]users`
`language` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EN',

-- for admin language
-- Dumping data for table `[[dbprefix]]users`
INSERT INTO `[[dbprefix]]users` VALUES(1, 1, '1', 1, '[[admin_username]]', '[[admin_pass]]', '', 0, 'Administrator', '[[admin_email]]', 0, '', '', 'EN',

Note: I tested all these changes and checked with a new install to make sure it was OK
IP: --   

 jimpic   Website baker - 22 languages (2 Replies, Read 2188 times)
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, We will...   on December 3, 2011, 1:32 pm
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, We have...   on December 5, 2011, 1:58 pm

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