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 SpeedyCache 1.0.2 Launched: Critical CSS, Purge Varnish (0 Replies, Read 18290 times)
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 57
In this version, we have made some big changes and some features that will help you improve the speed of your WordPress site even further. There were a few bugs too that we have fixed in this version.

The changes made are as follows:-
[Feature] Purging Varnish cache when cache from SpeedyCache is purged.

[Feature][Pro] Display swap for Google fonts to keep fonts visible on a load of Google fonts.

[Feature][Pro] Critical CSS: Now SpeedyCache can extract critical CSS from your page to remove Render Blocking CSS to improve page speed.

[Tweak] The Cache folder structure has been updated, to follow common practice.

[Bug-Fix] Cloudflare prompt use to pop up continuously if the user's website was being proxied through Cloudflare which has been fixed by converting that popup to an alert.

[Bug-Fix] PHP 8.2 warnings and deprecations have been fixed.

[Bug-Fix] There was an issue while clearing Cache if you disabled the cache in a metabox.

[Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with LazyLoading Iframes that has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with Delete Cache logs that has been fixed.

[Bug-Fix][Pro] There was an issue with the linking License that has been fixed.

The SpeedyCache team is working constantly to improve our product and if you have any feedback or suggestion you can write to us at support@speedycache.com

You can read more about the features of this release at SpeedyCache Blog

SpeedyCache Team
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