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You are here: Index > Softaculous Auto Installer > General Support > Topic : Can you create a chain of staging environments?

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 Can you create a chain of staging environments? (1 Replies, Read 3191 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2

Is it possible to create a "chain" of staging environments using Softaculous?

As in -- to create a staging environment to the staging environment?

My use case would be something like this:

staging1.mysite.com --> Writers create content and editors review it (team 1)
Push to -->
staging2.mysite.com --> Graphic designers format and enrich content (team 2)
Push to -->
mysite.com (production)

If the answer is 'yes' to the above, is there any limit to how many staging environments can be chained sequentially like this?

As in, if, for whatever reason, I wanted to create a "chain" of 5 environments, to push one onto the next, would that be possible?
IP: --   

 danielrosehill   Can you create a chain of staging environments? (1 Replies, Read 3191 times)
    |--  Brijesh   Hi, Sorry for...   on May 14, 2021, 2:19 pm

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