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 Reselling Resources, WHMCS And Virtualizor (2 Replies, Read 15388 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
So recently we reached mac capacity on master server, we ordered a second dedicated server connected it and now we have a slave server. My question is in WHMCS we did a test order and this error showed up

Error: No server found which fits in the criteria for your VPS configuration : <br>*Following servers were excluded - <br>*Server ID: 0, Reason: localhost | Required number of IPv4 : 1 and I support : 0<br>*Server ID: 1, Reason: Slave 1 | Space Required : 200 and I support : 0

So in my research I was told to set the primary storage to slave server which I did and it worked no error and provisioned all right, now lets says a user that had resources on master server cancels his order and we get those resources back and I want to resell them, how would I sell them if primary storage is set to slave server not master. Is there anyway around this>
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Reselling Resources
Group: Virtualizor Team
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 750

You can set the primary storage of Master too.
When he chooses to create on Master then his Primary storage would be selected.

Virtualizor Team.
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Reselling Resources
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 2
Quote From : jevingala February 19, 2024, 11:44 am

You can set the primary storage of Master too.
When he chooses to create on Master then his Primary storage would be selected.

Thank you I didnt notice both are set as primary. thank so much
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