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You are here: Index > Softaculous Auto Installer > Bugs > Topic : Backuply Update Failure

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 Backuply Update Failure, Unable to find end of directory signature (1 Replies, Read 10876 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 1
Tried twice to update pro version of backuply with resultant error message.  See attached image of message.
IP: --   

Backuply Update Failure
Group: Pagelayer Team
Post Group: Working Newbie
Posts: 57

Sorry for the inconvinence caused.
Would you please try to update it after a few minutes, if you still are unable to update Backuply.
Then please create a ticket https://softaculous.deskuss.com/open.php?topicId=17
here we will be able to securely share with you more details on how to update Backuply.
Or you can directly download the latest version from Softaculous Client for your license and upload it to your WordPress site.

Backuply Team
IP: --   

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