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 4 days without having access to webuzo control panel (25 Replies, Read 80387 times)
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Hi, im very disappoint with the support from webuzo, it has been passed almost 4 days and still waiting for fix about an issue related with the License.

I don't know what happened i went to control panel and it was showing License Expired or cancelled, which in my case it was impossible because my webuzo license goes till 2016.

I have tried to add again the license in webuzo control panel but it doesn't save the info, it says Licence successfully accepted then if i click anywhere it says again License is expired or cancelled message, i go again to License manager and fields are blank!

It seems the support staff is unable to login to my server by using SSH to solve the issue, the ticket responses is always complaining that my server firewall is blocking, i have already disabled CSF, cleaned blocklists, disabled iptables, i have my server compromised with any protection because all services are stopped, Linode staff can login with SSH without any problem or anything block them, i have domains to add and other tasks to do and 4 days has been passed and no sign of good support when issue is related with the Webuzo License or whatever its creating this issue.

Also i even provided a different solution to support staff use SSH of Linode control panel.

Can you please take my ticket has urgency?

=== Edit By Webuzo Team ===
1) The issue was that for some reason the APNIC IPs are blocked by your server and hence we were unable to SSH. In order to SSH we had to do it from a ARIN proxy server.
2) Secondly your primary IP of the server wasnt set right. It was set to a alias IP.

Edited by alons : August 1, 2015, 3:31 pm
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Why are only Webuzo support staff that can't logging through SSH on my server???

Message from Linode Support Staff:


Thanks for contacting Linode Support!

Like you, I was also able to ssh into your server without any issues. You may want to find out exactly what steps they're taking to ssh in. SSH appears to be working just fine from our end.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.


Linode Support

Its working since the 1st day, why the 3 tickets response from Webuzo staff says the VPS isn't running or Firewall is blocking, this is ridiculous!!

Im 4 days without able to manage server, the firewall and iptables are disabled, the servers is compromised and i don't receive any support about the LICENSE IS EXPIRED when it should go till 2106!

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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
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Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
Hi padroresina,
my name is Marco and I AM a Webuzo customer as you.

I don't know why Webuzo staff in this last month seems to be very busy. Before i think support was better.

I AM sorry to hear you have issue with your Webuzo.
Your issue seems to be the licence and as i could understand you are able to log in in your Webuzo panel.

You and your hosting company are also able to login to SSH is right?

So your issue is only on Licence?
Here is a small guide http://www.webuzo.com/wiki/Manage_License
Can be userfull also this: http://webuzo.com/wiki/How_to_Refresh_License

In the past i had a similar issue. In my case the licence is buyed by my hosting company, i asked support to Webuzo but was my hosting company who fixxed the licece issue.

In your case i didn't know if the licece of Webuzo is buyed from your or from your hosting.
Remember also Webuzo works also with a free licence

If your issue is relative the KEY and licence is buyed by you Webuzo should help you.
But maybe please reply to this questions:

1. Do you have buyed premium licence or is Premium licence inserted buy your webhosting company?

2. Do you have access to this page https://www.softaculous.com/clients ?
Here is where you can manage your existing licence associated with your email address

3. Can you login into Webuzo?

4. Can you login into SSH? If yes you can try also to restart webuzo service in SSH by this command:
root > service webuzo restart

Hope to see your issue soon resolved.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Quote From : peopleinside August 1, 2015, 1:37 pm
Hi padroresina,
my name is Marco and I AM a Webuzo customer as you.

I don't know why Webuzo staff in this last month seems to be very busy. Before i think support was better.

I AM sorry to hear you have issue with your Webuzo.
Your issue seems to be the licence and as i could understand you are able to log in in your Webuzo panel.

You and your hosting company are also able to login to SSH is right?

So your issue is only on Licence?
Here is a small guide http://www.webuzo.com/wiki/Manage_License
Can be userfull also this: http://webuzo.com/wiki/How_to_Refresh_License

In the past i had a similar issue. In my case the licence is buyed by my hosting company, i asked support to Webuzo but was my hosting company who fixxed the licece issue.

In your case i didn't know if the licece of Webuzo is buyed from your or from your hosting.
Remember also Webuzo works also with a free licence

If your issue is relative the KEY and licence is buyed by you Webuzo should help you.
But maybe please reply to this questions:

1. Do you have buyed premium licence or is Premium licence inserted buy your webhosting company?

2. Do you have access to this page https://www.softaculous.com/clients ?
Here is where you can manage your existing licence associated with your email address

3. Can you login into Webuzo?

4. Can you login into SSH? If yes you can try also to restart webuzo service in SSH by this command:
root > service webuzo restart

Hope to see your issue soon resolved.

Hi and thanks for helping, i have purchased license directly with Webuzo site, it was working great, i didn't do any change in server and suddenly at 4 days ago i have login to webuzo control panel to add domain names and it was saying Licence Expired or Cancelled! i don't have nothing blocking softaculous servers, i have disabled CSF, i have clean Blocklists, i have disabled IPTABLES and the only replies from staff are: Your VPS is down or Firewall is blocking! 3 replies with same content! Its like a copy and paste! This is frustrating!

I have access to my softaculous or webuzo account, i have 2 webuzo licenses, my email is fine and matches with my webuzo license info, when i add the license details in webuzo control panel it says license added successfully, then if i click somewhere it shows up again license expired or not activated and the 2 fields in blank!

I can login fine to my SSH, i have asked to Linode support staff to them try login and they said its working well and they didn't found any issues with SSH!

I can also do any commands on SSH, the only ones with issues are Webuzo support!

PS: Im going to follow an advice that a engineer friend gave me yesterday to migrate to Bitnami, and thats what exactly im thinking now!

Bitnami has HHVM already available, REDIS works without any other intervention by user, and its possible to start with Amazon and their Free tier service which means 1 year of free cloud hosting!

I have take a look on Bitnamy forums which seems they are more interested in helping users then making them feeling frustrated or burning time.

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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
I forgot to mention, the webuzo licene is a Premium license which only expires in 2016 but it seems it has expired at 4 days ago and i don't have any support to fix  the issue.

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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
Thanks for your reply padroresina,
I AM sad for how Webuzo Team appear to you and I think you are right.

Some month ago Webuzo Team helps me a lot without asking to pay extra and they was good.
I was very happy of the Webuzo support and you can ask help in the forum, also by ticketing.

In the last month seems something is wrong and I don't know why.
If you have purcased a licence and now this is not working after 4 days is very bad Webuzo Team has no helped you.

Your server appears to be blocked? If i can reach your server IP is no possibile the server is blocked also if you can login and also your hosting company.. i can't understand why Webuzo are saing this.

Also i think Webuzo should check the licence KAY in the Ticket with you and understand why a Premium licence buyed some days ago now not work anymore.

You also confirm that all firewall and also Linux iptables are disabel so pretty impossibile something is blocking until you don't have fail2ban or other app who can works as Firewall.

I hope someone of the Webuzo team can help you soon and also i hope you will find the rigth solution for you.

Seems i can't do more for you as i have no control on KEY licence of Webuzo.
I AM sorry for that and you are rigth about frustating experience.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
As I can understand you had already opened a support Ticket

Please if the reply of the Support Staff are not pertinet to your case or not solve the issue try to reply to the Webuzo team and we have to hope soon a reply arrive.

If you want i can look to your issue but as I AM not a STaff memeber maybe is not good to pass the KEY at me and give to me access to your server. This must be Webuzo work. Is very strange your licence buyed some days ago are stopped to work.

Here there are other page with other contact info information

You can also try to use sales email adress and see if you receve better support for your KEY.
Let me know.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Quote From : peopleinside August 1, 2015, 2:09 pm
Thanks for your reply padroresina,
I AM sad for how Webuzo Team appear to you and I think you are right.

Some month ago Webuzo Team helps me a lot without asking to pay extra and they was good.
I was very happy of the Webuzo support and you can ask help in the forum, also by ticketing.

In the last month seems something is wrong and I don't know why.
If you have purcased a licence and now this is not working after 4 days is very bad Webuzo Team has no helped you.

Your server appears to be blocked? If i can reach your server IP is no possibile the server is blocked also if you can login and also your hosting company.. i can't understand why Webuzo are saing this.

Also i think Webuzo should check the licence KAY in the Ticket with you and understand why a Premium licence buyed some days ago now not work anymore.

You also confirm that all firewall and also Linux iptables are disabel so pretty impossibile something is blocking until you don't have fail2ban or other app who can works as Firewall.

I hope someone of the Webuzo team can help you soon and also i hope you will find the rigth solution for you.

Seems i can't do more for you as i have no control on KEY licence of Webuzo.
I AM sorry for that and you are rigth about frustating experience.

I bought the License in March 2015 but stopped working at 4 days ago.

Also im with my server compromised and vulnerable without CSF firewall or iptables enabled!

This is more higher then frustrating! I have new domains to add to my control panel to start creating works for clients and im tied because of a License issue from webuzo side and even im being played with support staff with a copy paste strategies responses!

No way im going to stay tuned With webuzo, there is 2 alternatives and for what i have read about them its not going to be worst then im having already here!

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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
I never installed fail2ban i only install apps from webuzo control panel and follow their guides or Linode guides related to webuzo and their infrastructure!
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
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Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
I AM very sorry for your issues.
Remember if you want just have access to your Webuzo you can register a free key and update with a free KEY until your Webuzo issue will be not fixxed.

Also for now if you see the issue are not CSF and iptables maybe you can reactivate for now.
Be carefull, for use CSF you must configure well the settings and i can suggest to edit all permanent BAN into temporary ban.

For get a free licence please go here:

So with the free licence you will be able to access Webuzo.

only Premium scrip can't be installed from Webuzo but if you have already installed some Premium script this will be not lost.

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
no way im going to spend any more time with this, its not my problem, im paying for a license that isn't work, the support plays with me, i have work to do and projects to create, i have monthly expenses to pay and im not going to wait a century for fixing a issue with a License! i wonder if was a different issue!

Bitnami is the way now for me, im already reading and crawling their guides and setting up everything from there.

Not going to be that guy spending money and waste my life with something that will not work.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Im not happy with the response time of tickets, 1 ticket response per day and without clear solutions?? the responses are appointing always has im the guilty when its support that can't login to SSH!!! I have even provided alternative SSH through browser by using Linode Control Panel! This is ridiculous!
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 1394

Open source, web and security passionate
I hope Webuzo Staff Team can explain here why they are soo busy to leave a ticket opened for more than 4 days and are unable to explain why a licence KEY buyed 4 days ago are not working anymore.

As Webuzo user I AM afraid to see if there is something wrong with Webuzo there are no reply and no solution. This can means if you have issue on your VPS your VPS will not works for days.

Some times can happen something go wrong on Webuzo but this can be solved with support.. but as this last month people see there are no support present and no reply.. is very bad.

This cause many issue.

I hope Webuzo Team can explain better because Webuzo is good, is a good webpanel.. some times there are some problems but with active support this can be solved. From this last month seems support has gone away.

Hope Webuzo Team can explain and make Customers happy.
For your situation maybe is good the way you have decide to do.

Good luck with the new solution.

With love,

PeopleInside  :angel:

Web, security, open source passionate.
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 34
Quote From : peopleinside August 1, 2015, 2:52 pm
I hope Webuzo Staff Team can explain here why they are soo busy to leave a ticket opened for more than 4 days and are unable to explain why a licence KEY buyed 4 days ago are not working anymore.

As Webuzo user I AM afraid to see if there is something wrong with Webuzo there are no reply and no solution. This can means if you have issue on your VPS your VPS will not works for days.

Some times can happen something go wrong on Webuzo but this can be solved with support.. but as this last month people see there are no support present and no reply.. is very bad.

This cause many issue.

I hope Webuzo Team can explain better because Webuzo is good, is a good webpanel.. some times there are some problems but with active support this can be solved. From this last month seems support has gone away.

Hope Webuzo Team can explain and make Customers happy.
For your situation maybe is good the way you have decide to do.

Good luck with the new solution.

With love,

You right, this latest experience made me thinking different and i didn't knew about this 2 alternatives to Webuzo, probably this project its being killed or abandoned because it looks outdated when i look to the other 2 alternatives, i have already mentioned 1 here.

If webuzo doesn't care about their costumers, i don't care about webuzo also, same way of treatment. At least im not going to beg for something to work when im paying for it!
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4 days without having access to webuzo control panel
Group: Administrator
Post Group: Super Member
Posts: 2280
It could be a change of IP on your machine.
I do see licenses active in your account.
Let me just dig this deeper for you.

For immediate support please email us at our Support email address. PMs sent to any Softaculous Team member or posting in the forums is not the official way to get support.

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