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You are here: Index > AMPPS > General Support > Topic : SSL in AMPPS

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Group: Member
Post Group: Newbie
Posts: 19
OK, I found the solution/answers:

#1 - landing in root
When the ampps control panel writes the httpd-vhosts.conf file the entry for <VirtualHost> and <VirtualHost>  respectively. When you come in from outside with 192.168.1.x (which is port forwarded from an external maskable IP address) the section is ignored and you land in the root.

When you put <VirtualHost *:80> and <VirtualHost *:443> instead, the section is found and the request lands on the correct web page.

#2 - disable the root
To disable the root directory, you must take away the <VirtualHost><Directory "C:\AMPPS\Ampps/www"> section. The control panel does not allow you to remove the PRIMARY domain, so you have to do it in the vhosts file manually.

#3 - control panel / domain manager needs more options
Depending on your setup, you may have multiple IP addresses, one for each domain, one IP with multiple host headers, etc. You should provide a field in which you can specify the IP address or * to have better control.

#4 - editing vhosts file manually
at this point, its not possible to get the settings correct without editing the vhosts file by hand.

The certificate I got from Network Solutions works, the only thing that does not show is who "signed the certificate". There must be an additional SSL cert type to show exactly this information. I'll figure it out.

Hope this helps someone else...

Idea: user documentation "how to ;-)"


IP: --   

 sluiting   SSL in AMPPS, SSL in AMPPS? (26 Replies, Read 74344 times)
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