How to store Database Passwords in encrypted format
This tutorial will show you how to store Database Passwords in encrypted format in Softaculous.
Note : The password encryption uses a common salt for all password encryption and is stored in the universal.php file on your server. The salt is required to decrypt the password and if the salt is changed manually/removed from universal.php all the database password decryption for all installations on the server will fail.
Note : This setting will not update the database passwords of the existing installations and will be applied only to the installations made after enabling this setting. The database passwords for existing installation will continue to work without encryption and will not break your installation/upgrades.
Please do not delete the universal.php file or update the salt manually. universal.php is located at :
Login to Control Panel
Go to your Admin panel (e.g. WHM’s url will be and login with your root details.
Navigate through WHM -> Plugins -> Softaculous Admin panel -> Settings
This will lead you to the Settings page in Softaculous Admin Panel.
Enable the Setting
- Search for the Store Database Password in encrypted format setting.
- Select the checkbox next to the above setting.
- Click on the “Edit Settings” button.
- That’s it! All the database passwords generated from now will be stored in encrypted format.