Save Card Details


This guide will explain how to save your card details which can be used for automatic payments for future purchases.

Login to Client Area

You will need a Softaculous account for this process.
If you do not have a Softaculous account create one by clicking on the Sign Up tab on the client area login page.
If you already have a Softaculous account simply login to the client area.

Go to Add Funds / Invoice

In order to save your card details you either need to pay an existing invoice or you can use the add funds option. We will follow the add funds method, the process with paying the invoice is more or less the same.

Go to the Add Funds page from the left menu in the client area.

Select the Payment Method

Choose the amount of advance funds you would like to add and then select the Pay using a new Visa / MasterCard (via Stripe) option from the Choose Card dropdown as highlighted in the below screenshot. This will redirect you to the Stripe website to enter your card details and make the payment.

Review Payment on Stripe

Enter your card details on Stripe’s website. Now click on the Pay button to make the payment. After this you will be redirected back to Softaculous Client area.

Complete Payment

If everything went well the card details will be saved for future use and the amount of funds you selected will be added to your account which can be used for your purchases.

For any assistance feel free to contact our sales team at

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