Updated Moodle to 3.11.2

Moodle (ID : 542) package has been updated to version 3.11.2. Moodle LMS is the world’s most trusted open-source learning management system (LMS). It delivers a powerful set of learner-centric tools to build a collaborative learning environment that empowers both teaching and learning. Review, Rate and View Demo of Moodle here: http://www.softaculous.com/apps/educational/Moodle

Updated osTicket to

osTicket (ID : 83) package has been updated to version osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multi-user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while providing… Continue reading Updated osTicket to

Updated Symfony3 to 4.4.29

Symfony3 (ID : 546) package has been updated to version 4.4.29. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the… Continue reading Updated Symfony3 to 4.4.29

Updated Symfony to 5.2.14

Symfony (ID : 473) package has been updated to version 5.2.14. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. Symfony is aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context. This means that you have full control over the… Continue reading Updated Symfony to 5.2.14

Updated osTicket 1.14 to 1.14.7

osTicket 1.14 (ID : 671) package has been updated to version 1.14.7. osTicket is a widely-used open source support ticket system. It seamlessly integrates inquiries created via email and web-based forms into a simple easy to use multi-user web interface. Easily manage, organize and archive all your support requests and responses in one place while… Continue reading Updated osTicket 1.14 to 1.14.7

Updated ProjeQtOr to 9.2.2

ProjeQtOr (ID : 629) package has been updated to version 9.2.2. ProjeQtOr is an open source project management software grouping in a single tool all the features needed to organize your projects. It is simple, easy to use daily while covering a maximum of project management features. Its particularity, in addition to its completeness, is… Continue reading Updated ProjeQtOr to 9.2.2

Updated pH7CMS to 16.2.2

pH7CMS (ID : 462) package has been updated to version 16.2.2. pH7CMS is a Professional Social CMS to build an Online Dating Services or Social Network Websites. The software is completely written in OOP (Object-Oriented PHP) with the MVC programming pattern (Model-View-Controller). It is designed with the KISS principle in mind and the all source… Continue reading Updated pH7CMS to 16.2.2