Updated SPIP to 4.2.1

SPIP (ID : 384) package has been updated to version 4.2.1. SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet in which great importance is attached to collaborative working, to multilingual environments, and to simplicity of use for web authors. It consists of a collection of files installed on a web server which allow you to… Continue reading Updated SPIP to 4.2.1

Updated Live helper chat to 4.20

Live helper chat (ID : 483) package has been updated to version 4.20. Live helper chat is Free & Flexible & Open source – Live Support chat for your website. Web and desktop clients. XMPP notifications, GTalk, Jabber, OpenFire, Chrome extension, Node.js support, MySQL, PostgreSQL. Review, Rate and View Demo of Live helper chat here:… Continue reading Updated Live helper chat to 4.20

Updated Form Tools to 3.1.1

Form Tools (ID : 263) package has been updated to version 3.1.1. Form Tools is a PHP / MySQL script that provides any existing web form with a backend database and a user-friendly interface to manage the form submission data. Review, Rate and View Demo of Form Tools here: http://www.softaculous.com/apps/others/Form Tools

Updated LimeSurvey to 5.6.8+

LimeSurvey (ID : 60) package has been updated to version 5.6.8+. LimeSurvey (formerly PHPSurveyor) is an open source online survey application written in PHP based on a MySQL, PostgreSQL or MSSQL database. It enables users without coding knowledge to develop, publish and collect responses to surveys. Surveys can include branching, custom preferred layout and design… Continue reading Updated LimeSurvey to 5.6.8+

Updated LimeSurvey 3 to 3.28.51+

LimeSurvey 3 (ID : 701) package has been updated to version 3.28.51+. LimeSurvey (formerly PHPSurveyor) is an open source online survey application written in PHP based on a MySQL, PostgreSQL or MSSQL database. It enables users without coding knowledge to develop, publish and collect responses to surveys. Surveys can include branching, custom preferred layout and… Continue reading Updated LimeSurvey 3 to 3.28.51+

Updated TastyIgniter to 3.6.3

TastyIgniter (ID : 606) package has been updated to version 3.6.3. TastyIgniter is a free open source restaurant ordering and management system. TastyIgniter provides a professional and reliable platform for restaurants wanting to offer online ordering to their customers. Review, Rate and View Demo of TastyIgniter here: http://www.softaculous.com/apps/others/TastyIgniter

Updated Group Office to 6.6.150

Group Office (ID : 596) package has been updated to version 6.6.150. Group Office is an enterprise CRM and collaboration tool. Share projects, calendars, files and e-mail online with co-workers and clients. Easy to use and fully customizable. Review, Rate and View Demo of Group Office here: http://www.softaculous.com/apps/erp/Group Office

Updated FreeScout to 1.8.65

FreeScout (ID : 652) package has been updated to version 1.8.65. FreeScout is the super lightweight free open source help desk and shared inbox written in PHP7 (Laravel 5.5 framework). Review, Rate and View Demo of FreeScout here: http://www.softaculous.com/apps/customersupport/FreeScout

Updated UIkit to 3.16.3

UIkit (ID : 471) package has been updated to version 3.16.3. UIkit A lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. UIkit gives you a comprehensive collection of HTML, CSS, and JS components which is simple to use, easy to customize and extendable. UIkit is open source and MIT licensed. It… Continue reading Updated UIkit to 3.16.3