Softaculous 5.4.6 Launched

Following is the list of changes :

1) [Bug Fix] : In the Softaculous version 5.4.4 there was change in Apache config done by Softaculous (as a requirement by the new script SitePad). Due to this change on some Directadmin servers Apache crashed. We have now removed that part and Softaculous will not make changes to any config files.

The change in apache config is not required by Softaculous and it will work as it is after the update.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

For Directadmin, after upgrading if Apache is still not working please execute the following command :

 /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build rewrite_confs 

If you still face any issues please open a support ticket with us and we will check it asap :

The Softaculous Team